Language Learning and Processing Lab

Prof. Inbal Arnon
Department of Psychology - Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Goldin-Meadow, S., & Arnon, I. (2024). Whole-to-part development in language creation. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 28(11), In press.
Wolters, L., Lavi-Rotbain, O., & Arnon, I. (2024). Zipfian distributions facilitate children's learning of novel word-referent mappings. Cognition, 253, 105932.
Abu‐Zhaya, R., & Arnon, I. (2024). Does Early Unit Size Impact the Formation of Linguistic Predictions? Grammatical Gender as a Case Study. Language Learning.
Ariel, M., Arnon, I., Katzir, N., & Tal, S. (2024). The child’s “or” construction: it’s all about choice. Frontiers in Communication, 9, 1364230.
Tal, Sh., Grossman E. & Arnon, I. (2024). Infant-directed speech becomes less redundant as infants grow: Implications for language learning, Cognition, Volume 249, 105817,
Arnon, I., Kirby, S. (2024). Cultural evolution creates the statistical structure of language. Scientific Reports, Volume 14
Ambridge, B., Arnon, I., Bekman, D., Ambridge, B., Arnon, I., & Bekman, D. (2023). He was run-over by a bus: Passive–but not pseudo-passive–sentences are rated as more acceptable when the subject is highly affected. New data from Hebrew, and a meta-analytic synthesis across English, Balinese, Hebrew, Indonesian and Mandarin. Glossa Psycholinguistics, 2(1).
Kimchi, I., Wolters, L., Stamp, R., & Arnon, I. (2023). Evidence of Zipfian distributions in three sign languages. Gesture, 22(2), 154-188.
Lavi-Rotbain, O. Arnon, I. (2023). Zipfian Distributions in Child-Directed Speech. Open Mind, 7 1–30.
Tal, Sh., Rhode, H., Grossman, E. & Arnon, I. (2023). Speakers use more redundant
referents with language learners: Evidence for communicatively-efficient referential
choice, Journal of Memory and Language
Arnon, I. (2023). Starting Big: Why Is Learning a Language Harder for Adults Than for Children? Front. Young Minds. 11:1011546
Shufaniya, A. Arnon, I. (2022). A Cognitive Bias for Zipfian Distributions? Uniform Distributions Become More Skewed via Cultural Transmission, Journal of Language Evolution, Volume 7, Issue 1
Tal, S. Smith, K. Culbertson, J. Grossman, E. Arnon, I. (2022). The Impact of Information Structure on the Emergence of Differential Object Marking: An Experimental Study, Cognitive Science, 46: e13119.
Lavi-Rotbain, O. Arnon, I. (2022). The learnability consequences of Zipfian
distributions, Cognition, 223
Abu-Zhaya, R., Arnon, I., Borovsky, A. (2022). Do children use multiword information in Real-Time Sentence Comprehension? Cognitive Science
Tal, S., Arnon, I. (2022). Redundancy can benefit learning: Evidence from word order and case marking. Cognition
Arnon, I. (2021). The Starting Big approach to language learning. Journal of Child Language, 48(5), 937-958.
Skarabela, B., Ota, M., & Arnon, I. (2021). Clap your hands’ or ‘take your hands’? One-year-olds distinguish between frequent and infrequent multiword phrases, Cognition.
Lavi-Rotbain, O. & Arnon, I. (2020). Visual Statistical Learning Is Facilitated in Zipfian Distributions, Cognition.
Johnson, T., Siegelman, N., Arnon, I. (2020). Individual differences in learning abilities impact structure addition: Better learners create more structured languages, Cognitive Science, 44, e12877.
Culberston, J., Franck, J., Braquet, G., Navarro, M. B., Arnon, I. (2020).
A learning bias for word order harmony: evidence from speakers of non-harmonic
languages, Cognition 204, 104329.
Ambridge, B., Doherty, L., Ramya M., Bannard, C., Samanta, S., McCauley, S. M., Arnon, I., Zicherman, Sh., Bekman, D., Efrati, A., Berman, R., Narasimhan, B., Sharma, D. M., Nair, R. B., Fukumura, K., Tasumi, T., Campbell, S., Pye, C., Pedro, P. M., Pixabaj, S. F., Peliz, M., Mendoza, M. J. (2020).
The cross- linguistic acquisition of sentence structure: Computational modeling and grammaticality judgments from adult and child speakers of English, Japanese, Hindi, Hebrew and K'iche' Cognition, 202, 104310.
Havron, N. & Arnon, I. (2020). Starting Big: The Effect of Unit Size on Language
Learning in Children and Adults, Journal of Child Language
Arnon, I. (2019). Statistical learning, implicit learning, and first language acquisition: A critical evaluation of two developmental predictions. Topics in cognitive science, 11(3), 504-519.
Arnon, I. (2019). Do current statistical learning tasks capture stable individual differences in children? An investigation of task reliability across modality. Behavior Research Methods.
Havron, N., Raviv, L., Arnon, I. (2018). Literate and pre-literate children show different learning patterns in an artificial language learning task, Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science, 2, 21-33.
Shufaniya A., & Arnon, I. (2018). Statistical learning is not age-invariant during childhood: performance improves with age across modality. Cognitive Science, 42(8), 3100-3115.
Raviv, L. & Arnon, I. (2018). Systematicity but not compositionality: Examining the emergence of linguistic structure in children and adults using iterated learning.Cognition, 181, 160-173.
Arnon, I. (2018) Can Mimicking Infants’ Early Experience Facilitate Adult Learning? A Critique of Hudson Kam (2017). Language Learning and Development, 14(4), 339-344.
Tal, Sh. Arnon, I. (2018). SES effects on the use of variation sets in child- directed speech, Journal of Child Language, 45, 1423-1438.
Raviv, L. & Arnon, I. (2018) The developmental trajectory of children's auditory and visual statistical learning abilities: Modality-based differences in the effect of age. Developmental Science, 21(4),.
Tal, S. & Arnon, I. (2018). SES effects on the use of variation sets in child-directed speech. Journal of Child Language, 45, 1423-1438.
Lavi-Rotbain, O. & Arnon I. (2017). Developmental differences between children and adults in the use of visual cues for segmentation. Cognitive Science, 42(S2), 606-620.
Havron, N. & Arnon, I. (2017). Minding the gaps: Literacy enhances lexical segmentation in children learning to read. Journal of Child Language, 44, 1516-1538.
Arnon, I. & Christiansen, M. H. (2017). The role of multiword building blocks in explaining L1-L2 differences, Special issue on Multiword Units in Language (M. H. Christiansen & I. Arnon, Eds.). Topics in Cognitive Science, 9, 621-636.
Arnon, I., McCauley, S.(C) & Christiansen, M. H. (2017). Digging up the building blocks of language: Age-of-Acquisition effects for multiword phrases. Journal of Memory and Language, 92, 265-280.
Havron, N., & Arnon, I. (2017). Reading between the words: The effect of literacy on second language lexical segmentation. Applied Psycholinguistics, 38, 127-153.
Hernández, M., Costa, A., & Arnon, I. (2016). More than words: multiword frequency effects in non-native speakers. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 31, 785-800.
Siegelman, N., & Arnon, I. (2015). The advantage of starting big: Learning from unsegmented input facilitates mastery of grammatical gender in an artificial language. Journal of Memory and Language, 85, 60-75.
Arnon, I. (2015). What can frequency effects tell us about the building blocks and mechanisms of language learning. Journal of Child Language, 42, 274-277.
Arnon, I., & Cohen Priva, U. (2014). Time and again: the changing effect of word and multiword frequency on phonetic duration. Mental Lexicon, 9, 377-400.
Costa, A., Foucart, A., Arnon, I., Aparici, M., & Apesteguia, J. (2014). "Piensa" twice: On the foreign language effect in decision making. Cognition, 130, 236-254.
Arnon, I., & Cohen Priva, U. (2013). More than words: The effect of multi-word frequency and constituency on phonetic duration. Language and Speech, 56, 349-371.
Hofmeister, P., Jaeger, T. F., Arnon, I., Sag, I. A., & Snider, N. (2013). The source ambiguity problem: Distinguishing the effects of grammar and processing on acceptability judgments. Language and Cognitive Processes, 28, 48-87.
Arnon, I., & Ramscar, M. (2012). Granularity and the acquisition of grammatical gender: How order-of-acquisition affects what gets learned. Cognition, 122, 292-305.
de Marneffe, M., Grimm, S., Arnon, I., & Bresnan, J. (2011). A statistical model of grammatical choices in children’s production of dative sentences. Language and Cognitive Processes, 1, 25-61.
Arnon, I., & Clark, E. V. (2011). Why brush your teeth is better than teeth - children’s word production is facilitated in familiar sentence-frames. Language Learning and Development, 7, 107-129. Winner of Peter Jusczyk Award.
Arnon, I., & Snider, N. (2010). More than words: Frequency effects for multi-word phrases. Journal of Memory and Language, 62, 67-82. One of ten most downloaded papers in 2010.
Arnon, I. (2010). Rethinking child difficulty: The effect of NP type on children’s processing of relative clauses in Hebrew. Journal of Child Language, 37, 27 – 57.
Tily, H., Gahl, S., Arnon, I., Kothari, A., Snider, N., & Bresnan, J. (2009). Pronunciation reflects syntactic probabilities: Evidence from spontaneous speech. Language & Cognition, 2, 147-165.